

以下摘譯自: 美國食品暨藥物管理局網頁的

疫苗保存劑硫柳汞(乙基汞)的毒性Thimerosal Toxicity


The various mercury guidelines are based on epidemiological and laboratory studies of methyl mercury, whereas thimerosal is a derivative of ethyl mercury. 因為-乙基與甲基汞-是不同的化學實體並期望應有不同的毒性理論。Because they are different chemical entities - ethyl- versus methylmercury - different toxicological profiles are expected.因此,把甲基汞的毒理應用到硫柳汞,出現了不確定性。缺乏明確的數據,比較乙基汞與甲基汞的相對毒性, There is, therefore, an uncertainty that arises in applying the methylmercury-based guidelines to thimerosal. Lacking definitive data on the comparative toxicities of ethyl- versus methylmercury, 美國食品暨藥物管理局認為應把乙基汞當做甲基汞來做風險評估。FDA considered ethyl- and methyl-mercury as equivalent in its risk evaluation. 在本節的總結有一些直接關係到硫柳汞的毒性數據和研究。There are some data and studies bearing directly on thimerosal toxicity and these are summarized in this Section.

臨床文獻中描述硫柳汞的過敏性反應,主要是以局部遲緩型過敏反應形式表現出來,包括在注射部位有紅腫反應(Cox and Forsyth 1988; Grabenstein 1996).Allergic responses to thimerosal are described in the clinical literature, with these responses manifesting themselves primarily in the form of delayed-type local hypersensitivity reactions, including redness and swelling at the injection site (Cox and Forsyth 1988; Grabenstein 1996). 這種注射部位有紅腫反應通常都是輕微的,只有持續幾天。一些作者推測,硫柳酸鹽thiosalicylate)的成分是過敏反應的主要決定因素(Goncalo et al. 1996)。【硫柳汞屬於乙基汞(ethylmercury)類衍生物,故在人體可代謝為乙基汞及硫柳酸鹽 (thiosalicylate) 而排除。】   Such reactions are usually mild and last only a few days. Some authors postulate that the thiosalicylate component is the major determinant of allergic reactions (Goncalo et al. 1996). 在臨床上,但是,無法確定局部反應的原因是否主要是硫柳汞或其他疫苗成分引起。In a clinical setting, however, it is usually not possible to determine whether local reactions are caused by thimerosal or other vaccine components.

最早發表人類使用硫柳汞的報告是在1931(Powell and Jamieson 1931).。

The earliest published report of thimerosal use in humans was published in 1931 (Powell and Jamieson 1931). 在這份報告中,有22人靜脈滴注1%的硫柳汞溶液,治療原因不詳。

In this report, 22 individuals received 1% solution of thimerosal intravenously for unspecified therapeutic reasons. 受試者注射高達26毫克硫柳汞/公斤(1毫克等於1000微克),沒有毒性作用報告,雖然二個人顯現局部浸潤後靜脈炎或皮膚脫落 Subjects received up to 26 milligrams thimerosal/kg (1 milligrams equals 1,000 micrograms) with no reported toxic effects, although 2 subjects demonstrated phlebitis or sloughing of skin after local infiltration. 值得注意的是,這項研究並非專為檢查毒性; 7/22受試者只有觀察一天,具體的臨床評估是沒有描述,也沒有實驗室研究的報告。Of note, this study was not specifically designed to examine toxicity; 7 of 22 subjects were observed for only one day, the specific clinical assessments were not described, and no laboratory studies were reported.

從醫學文獻中,發現的幾例含硫柳汞產品的急性汞中毒,硫柳汞的總劑量範圍從大約3毫克/公斤到幾百毫克/公斤 Several cases of acute mercury poisoning from thimerosal-containing products were found in the medical literature with total doses of thimerosal ranging from approximately 3 mg/kg to several hundred mg/kg. 這些報告包括使用免疫球蛋白(γ球蛋白)These reports included the administration of immune globulin (gamma globulin) (Matheson et al. 1980) B肝免疫球蛋白and hepatitis B immune globulin (Lowell et al. 1996), 氯黴素1000倍適當劑量的硫柳汞作為藥物保存劑的配製。choramphenicol formulated with 1000 times the proper dose of thimerosal as a preservative (Axton 1972), 使用於兒童中耳管含硫柳汞的灌洗液(Rohyans et al. 1994), thimerosal ear irrigation in a child with tympanostomy tubes (Rohyans et al. 1994),治療嬰幼兒臍帶突出缺陷的硫柳汞 thimerosal treatment of omphaloceles in infants (Fagan et al. 1977), 和企圖用硫柳汞自殺and a suicide attempt with thimerosal (Pfab et al. 1996). 這些研究報告有:局部壞死,急性溶血,瀰漫性血管內凝血,急性腎小管壞死,中樞神經系統損傷包括機能衰鈍,昏迷和死亡。(美國醫學研究所IOM

These studies reported local necrosis, acute hemolysis, disseminated intravascular coagulation, acute renal tubular necrosis, and central nervous system injury including obtundation, coma, and death. (IOM)

幾種動物的硫柳汞毒性研究評估。在1931年鮑威爾Powell和賈米森Jamieson在一些動物物種的硫柳汞急性毒性研究報告。Several animal studies have evaluated the toxicity of thimerosal. In 1931 Powell and Jamieson reported acute toxicity studies in several animal species. 動物不致死的硫柳汞最大耐受劑量:兔子是20毫克/公斤和老鼠是45毫克/公斤Maximum tolerated doses not associated with death of the animals were 20 mg thimerosal/kg (rabbits) and 45 mg/kg (rats). 布萊爾(Blair)評估硫使用柳汞滴鼻液190天,觀察大腦或腎並沒有組織病變。 Blair evaluated the administration of thimerosal intranasally for 190 days and observed no histopathological changes in the brain or kidney (Blair et al. 1975). 馬戈斯等(Magos et al.)直接以成年雄性和雌性大鼠,每天灌胃餵食5天劑量的等摩爾濃度的乙基汞或甲基汞,來比較乙基汞與甲基汞的毒性,(馬戈什等Magos et al 1985)。directly compared the toxicity of ethyl- versus methylmercury in adult male and female rats administered 5 daily doses of equimolar concentrations of ethyl- or methylmercury by gavage (Magos et al 1985). 馬戈斯Magos的結論,依汞的各種衍生物指引,乙基汞的衍生物硫柳汞是比甲基汞的神經毒性少 Magos concluded that ethylmercury, the mercury derivative found in thimerosal, is less neurotoxic than methylmercury, the mercury derivative for which the various guidelines are based.


最後一件硫柳汞資料是值得注意的。One final piece of data regarding thimerosal is worth noting. 1999,在最初的國家疫苗諮詢委員會主辦的硫柳汞會議上,有人擔心,嬰兒可能沒有能力排除乙基汞 At the initial National Vaccine Advisory Committee-sponsored meeting on thimerosal in 1999, concerns were expressed that infants may lack the ability to eliminate mercury. 更多最近的美國國家過敏與傳染病研究所(NIAID)資助在羅切斯特大學的研究和在馬里蘭州貝塞斯達Bethesda的國家海軍醫療中心研究,從接受常規含硫柳汞疫苗免疫接種的嬰兒,採集血液檢體,檢驗嬰兒血液中汞的濃度More recent NIAID-supported studies at the University of Rochester and National Naval Medical Center in Bethesda, MD examined levels of mercury in blood and other samples from infants who had received routine immunizations with thimerosal-containing vaccines. [Pichichero ME, et al. Lancet 360:1737-1741 (2002)] 在這些研究中,所有嬰兒血液中的汞濃度不超過甲基汞對嬰幼兒安全指引

Blood levels of mercury did not exceed safety guidelines for methyl mercury for all infants in these studies. 此外,汞從接受含硫柳汞疫注的嬰兒血液中比預期的甲基汞更快速排除;

Further, mercury was cleared from the blood in infants exposed to thimerosal faster than would be predicted for methyl mercury; 嬰兒接受含硫柳汞疫注後,從糞便將他們的體內的汞大量地排出infants excreted significant amounts of mercury in stool after thimerosal exposure, thus removing mercury from their bodies. 這些結果顯示,硫柳汞和甲基汞是有不同方式的分佈,代謝和排泄

These results suggest that there are differences in the way that thimerosal and methyl mercury are distributed, metabolized, and excreted. 硫柳汞似乎比甲基汞更快速從體內血液中排除。

Thimerosal appears to be removed from the blood and body more rapidly than methyl mercury. 美國國家過敏與傳染病研究所(NIAID)正贊助在布宜諾斯艾利斯(Buenos Aires)較多的嬰兒仍接受含硫柳汞疫注後的追蹤研究

 NIAID is sponsoring a follow-up study with larger numbers of infants in Buenos Aires where thimerosal-containing vaccines are still administered to children. 見下面“相關鏈接”找到一個鏈接到美國國家衛生研究院(NIH / 美國國家過敏與傳染病研究所(NIAID)的疫苗/硫柳汞的網站。 See "Related Links" below to find a link to the NIH/NIAID vaccines/thimerosal web site.


資料摘譯自: 美國食品暨藥物管理局網頁


1. 搜尋疫苗受害者-美國國家疫苗資訊中心 Search Vaccine Victims – NVIC



4.在疫苗的硫柳汞Thimerosal in Vaccines.

5.汞(硫柳汞)和疫苗Mercury and Vaccines (Thimerosal)

6.美國國家疫苗資訊中心National vaccine lnformation Center





疫苗保存劑硫柳汞的毒性Thimerosal Toxicity


Flu Vaccines Pose Significant Health Risks to Your Children Most flu vaccines contain dangerous levels of mercury in the form of thimerosal, a deadly preservative that is 50 times more toxic than regular mercury.[10]  If taken in high enough doses, it can result in long-term immune, sensory, neurological, motor, and behavioral dysfunctions.


Disorders associated with mercury poisoning include autism, attention deficit disorder, multiple sclerosis, and speech and language deficiencies.

美國醫學研究所警告嬰兒、孩子和孕婦不應該注射含硫柳汞thimerosal乙基汞抗菌、防腐)的疫苗,但大多數的流感疫苗仍然含有25微克的thimerosal乙基汞抗菌、防腐)。據計算美國兒童,到兩歲時,接受237微克的汞疫苗注射,大大超過了目前美國環保署每天0.1毫厘/公斤的安全劑量。1毫厘克mcg=10微克μg=0.00001g)。The Institute of Medicine has warned that infants, children, and pregnant women should not be injected with thimerosal, and yet the majority of flu shots contain 25 micrograms of it.

It has been calculated that, by age two, American children have received 237 micrograms of mercury from vaccines alone, which far exceeds the current EPA “safe” level of 0.1 mcg/kg per day.


下段資料摘譯自: Toxicity in Vaccines.pdf

在兒童出生時, 注射含12微克硫柳汞的B肝炎疫苗,這是超過30倍的汞安全劑量On the date of birth children received 12 mcg's of mercury from the Thimerosal content in the hepatitis B vaccine which is over 30 times the safe level. 注射含超過50微克硫柳汞的白喉,破傷風,百日咳(DTaP) 疫苗和B型流感嗜血桿菌(Hib)疫苗,這是超過60倍的汞安全劑量The DTaP and HiB vaccines contained over 50 mcg of mercury, which is 60 times greater than the safe level. 在出生第6個月注射含62.5微克硫柳汞的第二劑B肝炎疫苗小兒痲痺疫苗超過78的汞安全劑量

 At six months the second Hep B and Polio vaccines are given, containing 62.5 mcg of mercury which is 78 times greater than safe level.

上段資料摘譯自: Toxicity in Vaccines.pdf


But that’s not all. Other toxic substances found in various flu vaccines include:

乙二醇(防凍劑)Ethylene glycol (antifreeze)

Triton X100(清潔劑) Triton X100 (detergent)

甲醛-一個已知的致癌劑Formaldehyde – a known cancer causing agent

樹脂和明膠-已知可引起過敏反應Resin and gelatin - known to cause allergic reactions

苯酚(石炭酸)Phenol (carbolic acid)


新黴素和鏈黴素(抗生素) Neomycin and streptomycin (antibiotics)

雞蛋蛋白質(包括禽流感病毒污染) Egg proteins (including avian viruses)

-一種神經毒素與阿茲海默病有關聯 Aluminum -- a neurotoxin linked to Alzheimer’s disease

山梨醇酯80Tween 80™) -這會導致嚴重的過敏反應,包括過敏性反應

Polysorbate 80 (Tween80™) – which can cause severe allergic reactions, including anaphylaxis





 Thimerosal Still Putting Children and Pregnant Women at Risk

Natasha Thomsen, MPS

儘管在接種疫苗減少使用含汞防腐劑,在近年開發的新產品制定硫柳汞替代物或不加防腐劑 Despite the decline of mercury containing preservatives in vaccinations in recent years and the development of new products formulated with alternative or no preservatives, 然而硫柳汞仍繼續使用一些免疫球蛋白製劑,抗蛇毒血清,皮膚試驗抗原,眼、鼻科的藥品,和某些疫苗中 thimerosal continues to be used in some immune globulin preparations, antivenins, skin test antigens, ophthalmic and nasal products, and certain vaccines. 硫柳汞是一種抗菌、防腐劑,它包49.5%乙基汞,從1930年起,使用在許多嬰兒和流感疫苗,作為抗菌、防腐劑。Thimerosol is an antiseptic that contains 49.5% ethyl mercury, inuse since the 1930s as a preservative in many infant and flu vaccines. 由於硫柳汞未被根除或其使用的問題,從2001年美國食品和藥物管理局致力於通過硫柳汞的限制性使用,以防止兒童和成人的神經招受毒害。 Efforts by the Food and Drug Administration since 2001 to prevent pediatric and adult neurotoxicity by limiting the use ofthimerosol have not eradicated the problem or its use. 一些醫生和父母懷疑其出生的子女患有唐氏症,自閉症,智力遲鈍和其他神經發展併發症是由於帶有不同潛在Rh因子的孕婦(RH陰性)被注射含有硫柳汞製劑(RhoGAM免疫球蛋白)或流感疫苗所造成的結果?Some physicians and parents suspect that children born with Down syndrome, autism, mental retardation and other neurodevelopmental complications are a result of thimerosal - containing products being injected into pregnant women who present with a potential Rh factor discrepancy (RhoGAM) or a need for the influenza vaccine. 兒童接受含有硫柳汞的白喉,破傷風,百日咳疫苗,也面臨更大的風險性運動失調,思維異常,言語障礙。 Children receiving DTap vaccines, which contain thimerosal, are also at increased risk for ataxia, thinking abnormalities and speech disorders.馬里蘭州巴爾,約翰霍普金斯大學/西奈醫院,內科助理教授,摩泰勒(Tyler Cymet),在他的JNMA文獻審稿審查,所做的評論: “沒有證據顯示硫柳汞是危險的,但也沒有證據或研究顯示硫柳汞是安全的 "There's no proof Thimerosal is dangerous and yet no evidence or research that it's safe," comments JNMA Reviewer Tyler Cymet, DO, assistant professor of Internal Medicine at the Johns Hopkins University/Sinai Hospital of Baltimore, MD, in his review of the literature.預計由美國食品藥品管理局,在春季提供進一步研究主題的報告。A report is expected out by the FDA in the spring to offer further research on the subject.


1. Thimerosal in Vaccines FDA Report. CenterCenter for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER). www.fda .gov/cber/vaccine/thimerosal.htm. Accessed 02/04/05.

2. James SJ, Slikker II W, Melnyk S, et al. Thimerosal Neurotoxicity Is Associated with Glutathione Depletion: Protection with Glutathione Precursors. Neurotoxicology. 2005;26:1-8. 81-4DF44GF-2-C&_cdi=6641 &_ user=10&_orig= browse&_coverDate=01%2F01%2F2005&_sk=999

739998&view=c&wchp=dGL bVzb-zSkzV&md5= 759df 1 38c6af99f771 fa6f6 ffeb345a2&ie=/sdarticle. pdf. Accessed 01/26/05.

3. Effects of Mercury Administered during Pregnancy. Midwifery Today E-News. 2004;6. Accessed 01/26/05.4. Geier DA, Geier MR. Neurodevelopmental Disorders Following Thimerosal-Containing Childhood Immunizations: a Follow-Up Analysis. Int J Toxicol. 2004;23:369-376. 1805 thimerosal.pdf. Accessed 01/26/05.

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